The Walkbucks Company, Inc., All Rights Reserved

Vol. 25 No. 1 *** Western Edition *** April 20, 1998

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Inside this Journal:

Page 2: Chron File - Read about the activities of the 24th on a day by day basis!

Page 4: 25TH Annual - Read more about plans, and find out the status on the new plaque and the time capsule?


The fact that you are reading this newsletter before May, in an entirely new format (ya like it?) suggests that your editor is pumped, and also has a new computer with new software!! If you were on the 24th, then you know why he's pumped! If not, then you need to read this Journal! In either case, you need to make your commitment now to be there for our Silver Anniversary! After a great 24th you should already be countin' the days until the 25th, which will be from May 29th until June 7th !! More about that later (trust me - I'll pile on the guilt later in this newsletter!). First though, read on about the 24th Annual !!


In the past journal we reported the problems with US395 from Walker to Bridgeport caused by the flash flooding in March. We were hoping that the only inconvenience would be the detour through Smith Valley (the Mayor's home town) but it had it's affect on the fishing too!

Bridgeport Reservoir was full for the first year in many and during the peak of the flooding the water actually went over the spillway! I mean full as in getting all the way to the airport runway! It's this reporter's opinion (good fodder for excuses in any event) that all the water made the quest for lunkers a tough one. In general, the fishin' was good all week long, but the lunker competition that proliferated on the 23rd was just not there!

Let me make it short and sweet... Congratulations to Terry "T" Reynolds who won the derby with a 5lb 6oz'er he caught at the Virginia's on Saturday morning! Rumor has it that he was using Salmon Flavored Power Bait (stock up now), but there was another rumor that he picked the winner up Thursday at the hatchery, where most of their brood stock caught an infection and died! Just in case you're invited to BBQ at T's and he's having trout - I'd send regrets! It was, however, the first and only big fish logged, and since there were no other contenders, the Commish waived his rights to autopsy!

Thanks to JR at Rhino's for the Fenwick pole, the Quantum Snapshot reel, and the cool long sleeved Rhino's T-shirt (already a collector's item).

Thanks to Rick Rockel at Ken's Sporting Goods for the BuckTool, the fishing cap, and (Rick - it was your girls) the promise of a 12-pack next year.

The prize money totalled $140 but $100 of it was well spent at Rhino's. Thanks also to Lost Boy, who picked up an additional tab, or T might have been left with nothing.


Attendance is not directly related to success - but we've had more people and had less fun! I guess the Professor was the first to arrive on Thursday, with LTR, T, and Outtahere close behind. Lost Boy, Red, Wild Bill, Glen, Polacki, and their buddy Bob Chilson came along with Bonfire, Jason, BT, Morgasm, Oregonism, Sparky, Lewd, OD, Smilin' Jim, the Mayor, Omar, Covert, Ryan, Hilton, Chunks, Andy, and Stiffy. Late arrivals on Saturday included the Commish, Here for the Beer, I'll be Baack, and Stubby!

"The Fishin' Mission - Where Bad Boys Meet"
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